avatar Patch for Xbox, PlayStation, and Switch


This patch addresses several issues on console versions of the game, and syncs up the content with the latest on PC.

An equivalent patch for the Nintendo Switch will follow as soon as possible.   (Edit: 2/26/25) This patch is now available on the Switch as well.

Thank you for playing Stardew Valley



Stardew Valley Changelog (Consoles):

-(Switch) Fixed bug where every gift was considered a “loved” gift

– Performance optimizations.
– Added the Junimo bundle button to fridge and mini-fridge UIs.
– Fixed debris able to spread under giant crops.
– Legendary fish ponds now produce roe much more often and have a higher average daily value.
– Fixed Krobus’ shop not accessible on Fridays for Japanese players.
– Fixed some things being less random than intended.
– Fixed some older items in the lost & found not correctly retrieveable.
– Fixed crash when collecting empty crab pots.
– Fixed crash when farm animals somehow end up in multiple locations.
– Fixed crash when failing to play/resume/pause/stop sound effects.
– Fixed crash in raccoon menu if you have a base flavored item in your inventory.
– Fixed crash if a shop somehow has a null item from a player to sell.
– Fixed rare crash in Calico Jack minigame.
– Fixed error loading pre-1.6 saves with case-sensitive stat key conflicts; conflicting stats are now merged.
– Fixed selected tool lost in some cases when obtaining a stardrop.
– Fixed some mail getting re-sent to farmhands every day.
– Fixed crash when a farmhand passes out while warping between locations.
– Fixed co-op menu scroll not reset when switching tab.
– Improved Hungarian and Japanese translations.
– Fixed a missing period in the shears description.
– Fixed some item tooltips on the collection tab in some languages showing a raw {1} token.
– Fixed gray box behind Russian railroad sign.
– Fixed Robin’s start-construction message showing the general building name inconsistently.
– Fixed a few translated dialogues with broken dialogue commands.
– Fixed Alex’s hand in one of his portraits.
– Fixed butterflies spawned by statue of blessings glitching out in summer.
– Added a few extra spouse reactions when interacting with them without dialogue.
– You no longer lose a fish if you pass out while holding it, or pass out while fishing into a fish pond.
– Fixed animal products always harvesting with base quality.
– Fixed chimney duplication when creating a new save.
– Fixed players inside farm buildings mis-positioned on the world map.
– Fixed spouses sometimes facing the wrong direction after an interaction.
– Fixed rare crash when obtaining stardrops with stowed tools.
– Fixed rare crash when updating Robin’s construction animation.
– Fixed roommates requiring two house upgrades instead of one (like marriage candidates).
– Fixed spouses being warped to 0,0 for farmhands.
– Fixed crash when homeless farmhands remain after deleting cabins.
– Fixed legendary fish in fish ponds being more profitable than intended.
– Signs placed on legendary fish ponds no longer show a “1” under the fish.
– Fixed NPCs not being able to walk over the beach bridge.
– Fixed controller rumble being disabled.
– Fixed secret gift recipient hint no longer showing up on the skills tab.
– Fixed rare crash when making a call using the telephone.
– Fixed some minor visual issues with Cyrillic characters.
– Fixed NPCs not responding the first time you talk to them.
– Fixed being unable to grab furniture from walls.
– Improved some French and Russian translations.
– Fixed crash when the lost items shop sells Penny’s 14-heart event items.
– Fixed chickens disappearing on newly created Meadowlands farms.
– Fixed rare crash when transitioning between mine locations in multiplayer.
– Fixed bug where you could harvest unusual quantities of items from crab pots.
– If you lost an item that can’t be found again, a new friend appears in the secret woods who can get it back (for a price).
– Added new Easter eggs.

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Stardew Valley 1.6 Mobile & Console Release date

Hello all,

The console and mobile ports of the 1.6 update will be released on November 4th, 2024. 

Thank you for your patience.

The console and mobile ports will release at version 1.6.9, which will also come to PC around that time.

I’m looking forward to having 1.6 fully released on all platforms. Then I would like to finish Haunted Chocolatier next. Thank you


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The Stardew Valley Cookbook is now available!

The Stardew Valley Cookbook is now available, wherever books are sold!

Featuring over 50 recipes from Stardew Valley, with photos, appearances from Stardew Valley’s characters, and delightful illustrations… this cookbook will make a great addition to your shelf.

Here are a couple of preview recipes, if you’d like try them out before getting the book:

Nerdist (Strange Bun)

Mashable (Seafoam Pudding)

I would like to thank Kari Fry (illustrations), Ryan Novak (writing), Susan Vu (recipes), and everyone at Penguin Random House for helping make this a reality.

I hope you enjoy the book, and I am looking forward to seeing your Stardew Valley cooking creations come to life!



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Stardew Valley 1.6 Update is out now on PC!

Hello everyone,

Stardew Valley’s 1.6 update is out now on PC!

A mostly complete changelog can be found here: https://www.stardewvalley.net/stardew-valley-1-6-update-full-changelog
Be aware there are spoilers in that log… I recommend playing the update without spoilers!

If you do encounter any bugs, please report them in this forum thread: https://forums.stardewvalley.net/threads/report-1-6-issues-here-march-19.27915/

Console and mobile updates will follow as soon as they are ready. There is no current estimate for that, but they are actively in development.


Thanks for playing Stardew Valley, and I hope you enjoy the update!




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The Stardew Valley Cookbook

Hey everyone,


I just wanted to share a few things about the upcoming Stardew Valley Cookbook. If you haven’t heard about it yet, there’s an official cookbook coming out on May 14, 2024, published by Penguin Random House.

It’s been in the works for quite some time!

The cookbook features more than 50 recipes from the game (adapted to work in your real life kitchen), including some of Stardew Valley’s unique fare like the Lucky Lunch, Strange Bun, Seafoam Pudding, Pink Cake, and much more. The recipes (which, in keeping with the game, are either pescatarian, vegetarian, or vegan) were all developed by Susan Vu.

The book features lots of great photography, as well as fun & beautiful illustrations from Kari Fry, who has produced a ton of Stardew Valley’s official artwork, perhaps most well known from the Stardew Valley Guidebook. And the writing in the book is done by Ryan Novak (also of the Stardew Valley Guidebook) and myself. Each recipe has a unique introductory write-up, sometimes from the residents of Pelican Town, and sometimes from the illustrious Queen of Sauce. It’s also chock full of quotes and appearance from the various denizens of Stardew Valley.

One of the things that I’ve always been happy about, is when Stardew Valley acts as a focal point for people to bond over, develop friendships, and find inspiration in their everyday lives. What better way to achieve that than to bring Stardew Valley to life in your very own kitchen? I’m really looking forward to seeing the dishes people will cook!

You can find a free sample recipe here.

Eating this one will add +3 Luck to the rest of your day.

Thanks for playing Stardew Valley!


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Hey everyone,
I just want to share some great Stardew Valley arrangements and interpretations made by some really talented people. They deserve your attention and support and if you like Stardew Valley’s music, I think you will enjoy these very much

Stardew Valley piano medley by Pally

Extremely beautiful, heartfelt piano version of the Stardew Valley soundtrack, a masterful interpretation by Pally… I couldn’t imagine anything better.  If the Stardew Valley OST is special to you, this may bring you to tears


Symphonic Tale: The Place I Truly Belong (Music From Stardew Valley)
Kentaro Sato & Budapest Symphony Orchestra
Stardew Valley music beautifully arranged by Kentaro Sato and played by a world class orchestra.




 Prescription for Sleep: Stardew Valley


Extremely relaxing piano and saxophone pieces that cover melodies from Stardew Valley but go far beyond into expressive jazz. Highly recommended for extreme relaxation.






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1.5.6 out now on Steam/GOG

Hey everyone, 1.5.6 is out now.

It’s a small patch that fixes a few bugs, adds a “quality of life” feature for multi-monitor users, and addresses a few gameplay inconsistencies that have been around for a long time (i.e. the hoe dirt under mature forage crops de-spawning, and indoor grass dying in winter)

– On multi-monitor setups, the game now remembers and restores on the last used monitor.
– Potential fix for a random crash that could occur at the end of the night.
– Fixed a bug that prevented the various farm types’ wallpapers and floorings from applying when starting a new game.
– Fixed a bug where pressing ESC to dismiss the level up screen would dismiss the menu without applying the level up, causing it to reappear every night.
– Hoed dirt no longer decays under forage items on the farm. This ensures that dirt under freshly grown seasonal forage seeds can no longer disappear randomly.
– Grass placed indoors no longer dies when seasons change to Winter.
– Fixed being unable to harvest Tea Saplings placed on Garden Pots on Ginger Island.
– Fixed an issue where the Z key would be unbindable after resetting controls to the default.
– Fixed map screenshots not functioning on Linux.
– Updated Steamworks.NET to 20.0.0.

The update will come to Windows store version soon as well.
As always, thanks for playing Stardew Valley!
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Move To Self-Publishing for iOS

Hi everyone,

I wanted to announce that as of October 24th, I am now officially the publisher for the Stardew Valley app on iOS. This means that I am responsible for it and any questions or comments can be sent directly to me.

You may notice that this change is not reflected in the app store (it still says Chucklefish is the publisher) but this is only because of technical backend issues with Apple’s app store. We are working to resolve that.

Update 1.5 is still in progress. It has reached an important milestone but there’s still work to be done. I appreciate your patience while that is worked on.


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Stardew Valley now available on Game Pass

Hey everyone,


Stardew Valley is now available on Game Pass for Xbox & PC!

I’m hoping a lot more people will be able to play Stardew Valley now. The PC version is compatible with the Steam & GOG versions for multiplayer, so if you have any friends who haven’t played before, this might be a good opportunity to get them to play with you.

I also want to give praise to my teammate Arthur (Mr. Podunkian), who put a ton of time and effort into preparing the game for this Game Pass launch. He basically handled the whole thing, and it’s all gone off without a hitch.


In other news, the 1.5.5 hotfix patch is being worked on and should come out soon, fixing a few issues that were introduced with 1.5.5


If the game isn’t launching for you at all after the 1.5.5 patch (PC), and you’re on an older operating system, please check out this guide.



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Stardew Valley 1.5.5 Released on PC

Hey everyone,

Stardew Valley 1.5.5 just dropped on PC. It’s a small update, which doesn’t add new content, but has some important technical changes for modders, some quality of life changes, and some bug fixes:

[Architectural changes]
– Migrated the game from XNA (targeting .NET Framework 4.5.2) to MonoGame (targeting .NET 5). This futureproofs the game and allows mods to access more than 4 gigs of RAM.
– Made various internal changes for mod authors.

[Quality of life changes]
– Holding the CTRL key in addition to shift now lets you purchase/craft stacks of 25 items at a time.
– When starting a new save, many settings now default to what they were the last time you played the game. Some settings like zoom level, gamepad mode, and multiplayer server privacy aren’t copied over.
– You can now build or move farm buildings onto artifact spots. This destroys the artifact spots.
– You can now nudge pets out of the way while building/moving a building by clicking on them.
– You can now buy back items accidentally sold in the same shopping session.
– The in-game time is now shown on the upper-right hand corner of the screen when playing Journey of the Prairie King in multiplayer.
– Grass placed using Grass Starter during Winter no longer disappears when the game is reloaded (but it still won’t grow or spread).

[Localization fixes]
– Fixed Shane’s 6-heart event soft-locking in the Hungarian translation.
– Fixed incorrect backslash characters in various events in the Hungarian localization.
– Fixed typos in the French localization.
– Fixed a typo in Livin’ Off The Land that incorrectly states that Super Cucumber can be caught in Winter.

[Cosmetic fixes]
– Added commas to the price display on the various building construction menus.
– Adjusted collisions in the Calico Desert to avoid a minor sorting issue on the top-left edge of the raised cliffside.
– Fixed issue where Sebastian’s sprite would shift into an invalid position at 1:00 PM when he’s working on his bike on the farm.

[General fixes]
– After completing the Cryptic Note quest, subsequently reaching the 100th floor of the Skull Cavern will guarantee a loot chest.
– Fixed an issue where hard mode mines could become permanently enabled.
– The Blacksmith profession now affects Radioactive Bars.
– Garden Pots no longer lose any applied fertilizers when they are harvested from.
– Fixed the explosion radius not being centered when dislodging flooring and certain other types of items.
– When placing a Garden Pot on Ginger Island on a rainy day, it will now spawn with its dirt correctly watered.
– Fixed an issue where moving a cabin with a cellar would cause the stairs to the cellar to warp the players out of bounds for the rest of the play session.
– Fixed a case where entering the Farm from the south on horseback and triggering an event could cause the player to get stuck in a wall.
– Fixed various invisible tiles preventing certain spots in the Mountain lake from spawning fish activity bubbles.
– Fixed the tile holding the plant on Elliott’s table not being passable from behind.
– Fixed some tiles on the left side of the beach farm being unbuildable.

If, for any reason, you want to play on the “legacy” 32-bit version, it’s still available on Steam (right click Stardew > properties > betas > select “Compatibility” version).

If you are a modder, please check out PathosChild’s 1.5.5 migration guide, which goes into greater depth on some of the changes in this patch.

A 1.5.6 update is also currently underway. We’re working directly with PathosChild (creator of SMAPI, a very popular Stardew modding tool) to add even more modding support to the game, including some long requested “holy grail” changes which should make some aspects of modding much easier in the future. We’ve given PathosChild source code access to help us accomplish this task.

There may be some new content in 1.5.6, too, but it’s not going to be anything huge like 1.5.


Also, mobile 1.5 is still underway, more announcements related to that soon.




HOTFIX on 12/3/2021, 3:17PM PST:

– Fixed an issue where widescreen and UHD displays would cause the screen to display incorrectly.

– Fixed a crash in the French localization for “It Howls In The Rain.”

– GOG: Fixed an issue where builds were not being optimized for release, causing incompatibilities with mods.

– (64-bit) Potential fix for some gamepad issues on Mac.

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