
Dev Update #18

Done with festivals, now I have to think long and hard about how I want to proceed with the Joja Corporation storyline. I do think that having overarching goals to work towards is important for creating a sense of purpose. And I want to make sure that every step along the way is fun, with satisfying milestones to reach and exciting rewards to discover. This is the sort of thing where proper planning is essential.

Here’s a few more screens from the festivals:

Haunted Maze (The strange hermit who lives in the forest set up the maze alone. He wouldn’t let anyone near it until nightfall. What kind of uncanny power is at work here?)



Stardew Valley Fair (Play carnival games! Set up your own grange display and try to win the judging competition! Have your fortune told! Win Star Tokens and trade them in for rare prizes!)


Slingshot game from the Stardew Valley Fair:








I also expanded the town map by nearly 400%! The buildings have some more room to breathe, and I added some new touches to make Pelican Town more interesting and alive.



Things are coming together. I am really excited! Hope you are all enjoying your summer.

Thanks for reading!
