
New website & Chucklefish publishing partnership

Welcome to the new Stardew Valley website, everyone!

I’m happy to announce that Stardew Valley is being published by Chucklefish, the great team of people behind the upcoming game Starbound. They’ve also helped me out by sprucing up the site layout and providing access to a way better forum system. I apologize to everyone who had already been posting on the old forums… I know it’s a bit of a hassle to switch over, but I think it will be beneficial for everyone in the end. I’m going to miss the old site a little, too… but I won’t forget all of you who hung out in the forums with me and shared your great ideas and comments about Stardew. 🙂 I think this is the start of an exciting new period!

The old website will still be available for a while at http://stardewvalley.weebly.com, if you need to grab anything or just want to reminisce a little.